
Mom Stops Doing All Housework and Documents the Inevitable Results in Hilarious Twitter Thread

Mom Exhausted Chores

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One mom decided to try a hilarious experiment on her husband–and it worked.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you simply stopped doing chores around the house? Well, one mom did just that–and it played out about how you’d expect. She documented the results in a hysterical Twitter thread, and we’re all grateful.

The mom of two, user Miss Potkin on Twitter, typically does all of the cooking and cleaning in her house, but she posted yesterday that she’d stopped doing the dishes two days prior. “Who will blink first? Not me.”

The dishes piled up, but she didn’t hear a word from her husband or her kids. By the third day, they’d run out of bowls and spoons. “No one is saying anything about the big pile, but I can hear their brains ticking. No, family, I will not be loading the dishwasher today,” she wrote.

But then! She noticed some movement: Her husband took the garbage out after days of no activity. Then, another step back.

Sigh. But that’s not all! She also stopped doing laundry, of which there are now piles in every room of the house. There’s also a now-discolored lone sausage sitting in a pan after two days, and a bathroom that’s been out of toilet paper since the previous evening. It’s safe to say the house has seen better days.

The shampoo bottles in the shower are all empty, piles of miscellaneous items are accumulating all over the house, but there’s still no word from her family. And, of course, the sausage is still there.

And finally, her husband seems to have learned his lesson. There’s nothing like scraping days-old dishes to remind you it’s easier just to wash them as you go along.

But, alas, as soon as she thought her husband had caught on and cleaned the kitchen, she was surprised to find something else entirely. Though he loaded the dishwasher, he didn’t complete the job. Not even close. The hysterical mom posted this video of her findings.

The mom not-so-patiently waited for someone in her house to turn the dishwasher on. In the meantime, she noticed the toilet paper has been replaced all over the house and she used the last of the clean pans to cook dinner. Then finally, it happens.

When she asks her husband why he hadn’t switched the dishwasher on earlier, he says he “ran out of time.” She’s tired. We’re tired. We’re all very, very tired. And we’re glad this mom’s “experiment” opened her spouse’s eyes to all she does around the house–hopefully. Sometimes all it takes is a step back for the family to understand that Mom is handling an uneven share of chores.

That’s especially true now. Moms are doing almost twice as much housework in the COVID era–which means splitting the load with your spouse and kids is more important than ever. If your tactics simply aren’t working, try this mom’s approach. It might just make your family realize how much you do to keep the show running.


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One mom decided to try a hilarious experiment on her husband–and it worked.

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